PeopleFluent Recruitment - hire better, faster, and smarter

Join us Wednesday May 26th @ 11am EST for a 30-minute preview of PeopleFluent Recruitment

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PeopleFluent Recruitment Showcase

Join us for a 30 minute demo as we show you:

  • How simple our ATS is to use with drag-and-drop features
  • Full email and scheduling integration for Gmail and Office 365
  • Automate scheduling, integrated applicant video interviews & responses
  • Plus much more...

This is a perfect time to ask any questions that you have. We will walk you through some of the most popular features that are used (and trusted) by some of the world’s biggest brands.

If you’d prefer a more personalized approach, you can request a 1:1 demo, where we can explore how PeopleFluent can work for you.

Sign-Up Today

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