Category: Insights

Are We There Yet? Building the Skilled Workforce of the Future, Today

Adopting a Skills-Centric Strategy in a New Talent Landscape

Throw out the recruiting playbook—it’s a brand-new talent landscape out there. Today’s hiring landscape is more complex and competitive than ever. From talent-driven marketplaces to the Great Resignation and the ripple effects of the pandemic on the workforce, there’s a lot going on.

But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming! In this ebook, we’ll explore how to get to grips with recruiting and retaining employees, and developing a skills-centric approach to talent acquisition and management.

Download your copy to explore:

  • The distinction between a skills shortage and a labor shortage, and how to support the evolving business needs that both create
  • The role of skills across the employee lifecycle—and how to ensure a cohesive experience throughout
  • Actionable ways to uncover skills, promote talent mobility, and foster strong, sustained relationships with employees

Get your copy today!

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