The PeopleFluent Blog

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    9 Steps to a Better Onboarding Program

    The new hire experience is a critical aspect of onboarding. And great onboarding builds a sense of connection and delivers real value for the organization by boosting employee retention, accelerating individual and team productivity, and increasing revenue. Here are 9 steps to build an employee onboarding program that sets up your new hires for success.


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    The Future of Learning Technologies: DevLearn 2018’s David Kelly Talks Innovation and Trends

    David Kelly, a key figure behind DevLearn 2018 and a leading voice on the ways technology can be used to enhance organizational training and learning, shares his thoughts with gomo.


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    6 Takeaways for HR Leaders from HR Tech 2018

    HR Tech is over for another year, and the HR technology community is back at our desks. Now is the time to look through session notes and see what we can apply to propel our teams to greater success in talent management. Some of the top takeaways from conversations with industry analysts touch specifically on trends in talent acquisition and learning technologies. Others are broader signals resonating across the market that are—or will be—driving innovations in HR practices, processes, and technologies.


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    4 Pillars of Modern Learning for an Innovative Employee Experience

    Compounded by the competitiveness of recruiting and retaining top talent, business leaders and HR managers face a common source of stress: the overwhelming pressure to keep up with change. Fluctuating trends in talent management processes and shifts in talent goals have typically been disconnected. But what weaves them together is learning, and today, it informs the very definition of the employee experience.


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    5 Keys for Building an Employer Brand to Attract and Retain Quality Candidates

    Employers now find that previously successful recruiting strategies aren't working. Here are ways to build your employer brand and attract good candidates.


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    Putting Learning at the Heart of Talent Strategy

    Across industries, work and workplaces are shifting to keep pace with technology innovation and digitization. Experts may debate its pace and progress, but no one disputes that the digital transformation is irreversibly underway. And by its very nature, this constant technical innovation and the accelerated pace of business are putting organizations of all types squarely in the learning business. That is, if they want to succeed, companies must invest in the programs and technologies it takes to manage change, develop skills, grow knowledge, and instill desired attitudes and behaviors.


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    6 Foundations for Effective Succession Planning

    Organizations face constant pressure to build a strong, effective, and sustainable leadership pipeline. But like most strategic planning, this is easier said than done. When it comes to the succession planning process, many HR managers are challenged to ensure their succession strategy is flexible enough to meet the needs of the organization and the employee, as well as shifting dynamics within their industry. Proper succession planning instills confidence across the organization that selection of future leaders is strategic, comprehensive, and fair.

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    4 Tips to Improve Candidate Experience for High-Volume Recruiting

    By following these tips, your company can break the cycle of a reactive recruiting process and solve the challenge of high-volume recruiting for good.

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    Visualizing Analytics: The Answer to Workforce Planning

    In modern organizations, the hierarchal manager/employee relationship is no longer the sole focus of workforce planning. Instead, what’s been dubbed “the war room of HR” must account for a variety of matrixed teams and indirect reporting relationships. To plan for and around these relationships, first you must understand them. And spreadsheets with rows and columns of workforce data don’t help.

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    How to Get Greater Value from Your Talent Review Meetings

    “Employees are our greatest asset.” Cliché, yes, but one that endures by virtue of its truth. No business can succeed without the intelligence, innovation, and contributions of its employees.

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    Creating a Culture of Learning: 4 Steps to Define a Continuous Learning Program

    An exclusive emphasis on traditional learning and development is no longer relevant to 21st-century careers. Employees know they need to constantly update their skills. And organizations are recognizing that a “culture of learning”—one that is dynamic and continuous—is key to attracting and retaining the best talent.


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    Behind the Deal: Why LTG Bought PeopleFluent

    This article by Learning Technologies Group’s Chief Strategy Officer, Piers Lea, explains why acquiring PeopleFluent gives our organization a global footprint, alongside industry-leading brands such as LEO Learning, gomo, Rustici Software, Eukleia and PRELOADED.


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