The PeopleFluent Blog

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    How Mobile Devices Can Transform Your Learning

    Knowledge-building on the go and improved retention are a couple of the big benefits mobile devices can bring to your learning. In this blog post, we’ll touch on some of the sectors in which mobile learning is revolutionizing training, and highlight a few of the great advantages it gives you and your team.


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    How to Make Learning Content Stick: 7 Ideas to Entice Your Learners

    Knowing what you want to achieve, consolidating your learning content and using the right blend of learning are a few of the ways to make learning content stick and keep your learners coming back. here are 7 ways to ensure your learning content is 'sticky'.


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    8 Factors for Comparing Compensation Management Tools

    Investing in your employees also means investing in a strong compensation strategy. Your compensation strategy should encompass strategic guidelines and tactical policies that outline how you execute your plan. The true ROI of a strong compensation strategy includes higher retention, positive employee engagement, and greater productivity.


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    Making the Most of Mobile Learning Apps: 4 Features You Could Use Today

    As mobile learning apps become more popular in corporate learning, having a native app that is constantly evolving and adding enhancements gives you a major advantage. Experts predict that, in five years’ time, enterprises will turn to mobile even more than they already do to transform the way we learn and work, so using the right mobile solution represents a sound investment in the future.


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    4 Secrets for Efficient Recruiting

    Recruiters need clear-cut ways to refine their current processes for greater productivity. Here are four ways to ensure efficient, effective recruiting.


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    4 Tips for Using Nudge Theory in Your Learning

    Nudge theory has gained a lot of attention in recent years. But what exactly is nudge theory and how can it be applied in your learning programs? Find out more in this blog post.


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    Managing the Learner Journey With LMS Login Notifications

    What happens when learners fail to complete learning on time? If it’s compliance-related learning, they could be putting your organization at risk of serious penalties. If it’s health and safety or competency-related learning, they could be putting themselves and their colleagues at great risk.


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    Maximizing the Potential of Today’s Hyper-Connected Learners

    In a recent article for Chief Learning Officer, Josh Bersin issued a call to arms to L&D. His message was simple: we should be harnessing hyperconnectivity to deliver ‘learning in the flow of work’. For Bersin, the rise in smarter learning platforms and technologies, along with the need for many organizations to deliver learning faster and more efficiently, makes hyperconnectivity an asset to today’s L&D teams.


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    5 Ways to Use Your LMS for Compliance Management

    Meeting compliance requirements is a key concern for many organizations, especially in highly-regulated industries. In this blog, we’ll take a look at the key features you can leverage in your LMS to help with compliance management.


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    Are You Maximizing Your Learning Platform Investment?

    When it comes to creating training that strikes a chord with different types of learners, having a learning platform that allows you to adapt and change to meet specific learner needs is key.


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    The Top 6 Benefits of a Modern Learning Management System

    Considering investing in a Learning Management System? Find out more about the benefits of modern learning management systems (LMSs) in this blog post.


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    Your LMS Integration Plan: Why are APIs so Important?

    It's essential that your LMS can integrate easily with other systems. This blog post looks at why APIs are so important when it comes to upgrading to a new LMS.


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