The PeopleFluent Blog

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    If Your Hiring Manager Isn't Exactly an Interviewing Ninja, Try This

    A bit of gentle coaching can turn managers into recruiting ninjas. Discover ways to help hiring managers who complicate or slow down the interview process.


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    How Becoming a “Consultative Recruiter” Can Help With Your Most Difficult Hiring Managers

    Guest blogger Katherine Moody looks at how becoming a “consultative recruiter” can help with difficult hiring managers and which questions to ask to ease blockers.


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    Your Candidate Effort Score—Inside the Candidate's Mind

    When researchers looked at what made consumers complete purchases and remain loyal to brands, one thing stood out—the harder someone had to work, the less likely they were to continue down the path.


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    The Age of Video and Its Influence on Modern Learning

    Video and micro-learning programs are obviously a big departure from traditional classroom learning, ushering in a new standard of learning solutions required for 21st century leaders. To keep abreast and competitive, employers should embrace these continuous learning advancements including video, social collaboration, and micro-learning.


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    3 Ways a Bad Candidate Experience is Like a Bad First Date

    First impressions make a big difference in first dates and job interviews. Learn more about how to avoid a bad candidate experience.


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    10 Things Happy Job Candidates Don't Say

    Keeping job candidates happy is crucial to landing the right talent for your organization. Here are 10 things you won’t hear a happy job candidate say.


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    5 Tips for Surviving Employee Vacations

    Over summer, scores of employees take their well-deserved vacation days and head for the pool, the beach, or the closest air-conditioned movie theater. The problem for managers, however, is dealing with multiple vacation requests. What do you do when half your team asks for the same week off? Here are our 5 best tips for surviving employee vacations.

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    How Leadership Development Enables Employee Retention in Healthcare

    We’ve talked a lot about the skills gap in healthcare, and how it affects both employees and patients. Identifying and hiring quality employees is a top challenge, and is forcing organizations to concentrate even more on their existing workforces. While healthcare organizations are grappling with how to empower their employees to learn the skills they need, they should take one other learning element into consideration; when used correctly, learning and leadership development can also help healthcare organizations retain their best talent.


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    4 Easy Candidate Experiences to Make Now

    Use these four quick tips to create a better candidate experience that will help you win better talent in this competitive market.


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    Why HR is the Best Place to Start Improving Patient Experience

    Healthcare organizations face a host of business imperatives and challenges, but none are more fundamental to an organization’s success than improving patient care and satisfaction. Here are three ways that HR can affect patient experience at healthcare organizations.

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    Goal Orientation: The Psychology Behind Performance Management

    Why do most employees dread performance reviews? Is it because company culture prevents performance reviews from being accurate and actionable? Is it just that employees don’t like to be criticized? Or is it because each employee approaches goals differently?

    Talent Management

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    How to Keep Your 2nd-Place Candidate Warm for Future Roles

    In recruitment, not every candidate can get the job. In this blog post, learn when and how to keep your 2nd-place candidate warm for future roles in your company—even if you have to justify additional budget for it.


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